We have a very special story to share with you about an amazing family, their adorable cat Penny…and all of you! As you know, in December, we launched our Angel Fund. Penny was one of the first very deserving recipients of assistance from that fund! Please note: the following story contains some images that may bother some readers.
Penny came to Williamsburg Veterinary Clinic to see Dr. Hayes for her ongoing battle with losing her right hind leg. Her family told us that she had accidentally gotten outside one day, and returned home with her leg completely broken. Her family rushed her to receive emergency care. On her visit to the emergency clinic, they realized she had been shot by someone. The best course of action was to amputate her leg.
Penny was strong and tough after surgery (most pets can do very, very well and lead normal lives after losing a leg!) and stayed one of the sweetest kitties through all of her treatment. However, her incision site was having difficulties healing, even with weeks of being on antibiotics and being sedated for additional cleanings and repairs. That’s when her family brought her to see Dr. Hayes and get his opinion on what to do next.
Penny’s incision site was open and inflamed.
Dr. Hayes cleaned and repaired the area.
All healed 2 weeks after surgery!
It turned out that Penny had a very resistant bacterial infection that was making it very hard for her body to heal. We were forced to go back to surgery, where Dr. Hayes cleaned the incision site up and sutured everything back together. Penny underwent a course of very strong injectable antibiotic therapy and was stuck in her cone of shame for a little while longer, but that never made her angry or sad. She just went on being the sweet cat that we all have grown to love!
We are so happy to say now that Penny is fully recovered! Her incision site healed beautifully after her antibiotic treatment, and she is headed back to life as a normal tripod kitty! She may only have three legs, but she doesn’t let that slow her down when she has the “zoomies” and plays with her family. Sometimes, we see the bad side of people when we see things like this happen to pets. However, it only brings the best out in others. We are so proud of our community of clients who donated to our Angel Fund and helped this deserving family. Penny will continue to enjoy her long and happy life thanks to the good people of the world like all of you and most of all a family who loves her very, very much!